For the over 800,000 Rohingya in Bangladesh, 2021 marks the fourth year since their mass displacement from Myanmar, preceded in kind by decades of influxes spurned by systematic discrimination and targeted violence. While the Government of Bangladesh and international community have maintained the provision of immediate lifesaving assistance, the needs are immense and complex challenges continue to emerge and reshape the nature of the response.

The humanitarian community swiftly shifted priorities in 2020 to respond to the impact of COVID-19 on the Rohingya residing in the 34 congested refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar district. COVID-19 interventions were scaled up, and other humanitarian services adjusted, according to guidelines on access and presence to reduce the spread of infection. The 2020 ISCG Joint Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (J-MSNA) revealed a decrease in shelter maintenance and livelihoods, and deterioration in the protection environment. These challenges, and others such as monsoon and cyclone preparedness and response, will remain at the forefront of the response in 2021.