Health assessments of the Australian visa applicants and Australia Immigration Medical Examination in Bangladesh are conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) at the Migration Health Assessment Center, Dhaka and Sylhet.

Panel doctors:

  1. Dr. Billal Hossein (Male)- Dhaka
  2. Dr. Dilruba Afroz (Female)- Dhaka
  3. Dr. Chadan Kumar Tarafder (Male)- Dhaka
  4. Dr. Dr A K M Mushfiqur Rahman Faruq (Male)- Dhaka
  5. Dr. Jahangir Alam (Male)- Sylhet
  6. Dr. Sadia Rahman (Female)- Sylhet

Appointments and Information

  • Working hours: 09:00 – 16:00, Sunday through Thursday, except national holidays
  • Phone numbers: Dhaka and Sylhet: +88 0171 348 1798; + 88 0177 776 1309

What to bring to the health assessment

  1. Passport (Original).
  2. Examination Referral letter (HAP ID).
  3. Medical examination fee per person BDT 8000 for immigrants under the eMedical services of 501+502+707, BDT 7000 for Non-Immigrant Adult under 501+502 and BDT 4000 for Child (Age below 15) or Age Visitor under 501 only. The fees will include other additional investigations (like sputum analysis for Tuberculosis), specialist referrals (like Chest physician consultation) which may be required to establish or clarify a diagnosis and if diagnosed with Tuberculosis, TB treatment.
  4. Previous chest X-rays, if available.
  5. If you suffer or have suffered from any chronic condition or underwent major medical or surgical treatment, please bring medical records or hospital reports. Insufficient information may lead to delays and additional testing.
  6. For TST, appointment should be avoided on Wednesday. Applicant needs to revisit the clinic after 48-72 hours.
  7. To work as, or study to be a doctor, nurse, Paramedic or dentists are required to undergo HIV, Hepatitis-B and Hepatitis-C testing as additional tests irrespective of your duration of staying or visa class.

Important notices:

Children under 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian, who can sign and take decisions on their behalf.

Advice regarding the health assessment:

  1. For your medical examination you will be asked to wear examination gown during medical examination and while taking X-Ray.
  2. We ensure chaperone (usually nurse) to be present during your physical examination if you are examined by physician of opposite sex.
  3. Do not conceal medical conditions. Deliberate attempts to hide them will be reported to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), Australia.
  4. Do not conceal pregnancy. Pregnancy will not affect your immigration prospects. For Pregnancy x-ray during first trimester may damage the embryo/fetus, so health authority advises not to take x-ray with in this period and exempt X-ray requirement for pregnant applicants. In that case, the applicant is required to undertake Hepatitis B test and subsequently undergo TB screening in Australia recommend to do x-ray after delivery. After all this, if someone wishes to continue with Chest X-ray then it should be consulted with the doctor and written consent should be obtained prior x-ray. In addition a written document from the consulting Gynecologist is required to start the process.
  5. Note that as your whole body will be examined except private parts, please maintain proper hygiene.
  6. Postpone or re-schedule your appointment if you or your child is acutely ill with a high fever or rash.
  7. If you use glasses or contact lens, bring them to the health assessment.

Your medical report

The result of the examination will be forwarded directly by the panel physician to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) Australia.